Tugas Softskill B. Inggris Bisnis 2
TUGAS SOFT-SKILL B. INGGRIS BISNIS 2 N ama : Yogie Wirarismansyah NPM : 17115259 K elas : 4KA23 M ateri : Contoh Kalimat Tenses D osen : SUGENG TRIYANTO, SS., M.Hum FAKULTAS ILMU KOMPUTER TEKNOLOGI INFORMASI S1 - SISTEM INFORMASI UNIVERSITAS GUNADARMA 2019 i am playing game point blank right now. (saya sedang bermain permainan point blank sekarang). this sentence was using present continuous "am playing" because adverb of time "right now". i have watched "BORAT" movie for more than 3 times. (saya telah menonton film BORAT selama lebih dari 3 kali). this sentence was using present perfect tense "have watched" because of the adver...